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Absolutely Absurdity  

At times we (I) have been known to use this forum to address issues that have absolutely nothing to do with C='s but may or may not have some subjective amusement value, or perhaps socially redeeming virtue.

Last night I had a dream so absurd I simply had to share it. I dreamed that cats could vote.

I took to of my cats to the poles to vote, the younger one (a little black cat) pranced and danced and climbed up on the voting stand and pulled the levers with her little paws; her mother (a B & W) had to be lifted because of her age and weight, but she too voted. I have two other cats but they didn't bother to vote.

Hmmm that was a 50 % turn out--better than people do.

Now I wonder, if cats could vote how different would the world become? Would dogs become illegal? Could the cats do any worse than we do? Cats don't smoke or drink, tend to get plenty of exercise and generally seem to be capable of being self supporting--though mine live on ADC (aid to dependent cats, obviously) they really don't need it. Cats are not easily fooled, pompous statements mean nothing to them. I know mine turn their noses up at "fast food", they rarely watch TV, have little concern for what the rest of the world does, and usually accept things pretty much as they are....

Hmmmm, if cats could vote???? I wonder?

@Charles Grifor 1995



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all rights reserved  04/14/2005