Cats That Have Owned Me-JACKIE


Jackie's story is horrifying, but is one of courage, determination, and an example of what miracles can happen if you just keep trying..  He is a shining example of faith winning over adversity; a miracle of trust.  His full name is One Eyed Jack and he was mess

While Suzanne was walking through a construction site she heard a faint meow coming from near some lumber.   When she investigated all she could see was one little paw sticking out from where he'd gone to hide -  to die in solitude and safety. In a last desperate bid  for help  from the humans that had hurt him so terribly, he'd heard her and had had just enough strength to put forward a small, trembling white paw - still trusting enough in the goodness of humanity to beg for help, one last time.

When the doctor examined him he wasn't sure Jackie would make it. He was only hours from starvation, weighed about 3 pounds, had once had an eye surgically removed, there was a pin in his shoulder where it had been broken and set; he had arthritis in most of his joints, the other shoulder was dislocated, his claws wouldn't retract all the way, there was a severe cut on his nose, his jaw was broken at one time, his fur was matted and dull, and couldn't meow above a whisper.  

We will never know what Jackie's story is...whether he was an escaped lab cat or a treasured house pet that got out, is anyone's guess.  The surgery he's  had done is very expensive...yet he was lost and starving, totally alone and afraid.  Did he jump from a motor home passing through the area? He hadn't lost his trust of humanity - would a lab cat still trust? 

We keep Jackie apart from the other cats because, like little children, they will pick on one who is different...all but gentle Sam.  Sam is allowed in and out of the room with Jackie, and gradually he's getting used to the idea that maybe he's REALLY safe at last, and other cats won't automatically try to hurt him. We've recently allowed other cats that need a "quiet" room to join him and he's not as afraid as he was at first. Poor little Stinky was the first in need of a recovery room, and Jackie is gradually getting used to his role as guardian/nurse/watcher. Spike is a regular boarder with him, too. Jackie needed a friend and Spike is our gentle giant, full of love for everyone.

After a almost two years, Jackie is sleek-furred again, has put on a few pounds (he's up to normal weight now at about 8 pounds), his one eye is bright and alert, and he leads a quiet if boring life in a separate room. He can sniff the breezes and look out the window at the world that treated him so harshly from the safety of a chair made soft with quilts piled high for his comfort. He's frightened easily, doesn't trust most people to be near him, runs - limping - from strange cats, but boy! you should hear him purr.



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Copyright © 1999-2001 [S.Sackett-Squeaky Sam's]
all rights reserved  04/14/2005

