Cats That Have Owned Me-SQUEAKY


Squeaky was the first cat I adopted when I moved here to Michigan...and she lets everyone know it, too.  She likes being "first cat" and won't abdicate her position to anyone.

When we got to the shelter that cold March day, we looked in both cat rooms.  We visited Squeaky's area first, had picked her up, held her and stroked her soft thick white fur, but I hadn't decided yet.  Squeaky had, though. 

We visited the second cat room and found nothing to compare with the lovely white cat in the other room...MY cat, I considered her, by now.  

When we arrived back at the start there was another woman opening the door to Squeaky's cage. The woman picked her up...and got scratched and bitten. Squeaky had decided she was going home with me and nobody else.  I went over and picked her up and she's been ruling the roost ever since. She's about 6 now and still not inclined to take guff from anyone, cat or human.

Squeaky earned her name honestly.  When she meows she squeaks...if she were louder I imagine she could shatter glass. She is still a lovely cat, but no longer small. When she discovered she was the ruler of the house she also found she could eat all she wanted for the first time in her little life.  So she did.  She could have posed for the "if your cat looks like this, she's overweight" poster in the vet's office. I know I should make her diet, but with five bowls around it's hard to keep her from helping herself when ever she likes. She likes often.

Meanwhile I try to keep her from eating too much and keep peace between her and the rest of her subjects.  The only girl in a house full of boy cats, she knows how to keep them in line.



Copyright © 1999-2001 [S.Sackett-Squeaky Sam's]
all rights reserved

